Oct 1, 2013

Do what needs to be done

Recently had a chance to find an easily applicable "Getting things done" method, blog speaks about it.

Its named Morita's method since its put forth by Shoma Morita (An Japanese Psychologist of early 20th century)

Core Idea:

1. Accept your feelings
2. Know your purpose
3. Do what needs to be done

Morita held that we can no more control our thoughts than we can control the weather, as both are phenomena of most amazingly complex natural systems. And if we have no hope of controlling our emotions, we can hardly be held responsible any more than we can be held responsible for feeling hot or cold. We do, however, have complete dominion over our behavior, and for Morita, that is a sacred responsibility. "What needs doing now?"

The analogy metioned where very relatable, thoughts & emotions are compared to weather and feel caused by weather respectively and  the least possiblity for success in trying to control them.

So, the output is best if focus is purely on controlling the action - which may turning an AC ON or covering up with a good blanket.

Happy Doing !